Skip-A-Week Quilt Club – Quilt History & Documentation
Wini Morgan wrote the following story in 2001. We hope you enjoy the history of how we began and have continued to this day.It all began not far down the […]
December Program – Bags, totes Exchange
We will have a bag exchange at the December meeting. You can make or buy any style of bag or tote. Those participating will pick a bag and we will show […]
January Program – tips, tricks & techniques
2nd Annual Tips, Tricks, & Techniques for WVQ January 2024 MeetingSome of our members will be sharing with you some things that they have learned and used through the years. A great […]
April Program … Tips, Tricks & Techniques
2nd Annual Tips, Tricks, & TechniquesSome of our members will be sharing with you some things that they have learned and used through the years. A great time to walk away […]
May Program … Reba Worotikan, “How Batiks are made, East Meets West”
Reba Worotikan was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She grew up watching her mother sew and soon was sewing quilts and clothing herself. In 1988, she met her […]
June Program … Kathy Cardiff, “Getting in touch with your Wooly Side”
Dayton First Baptist Church 300 Flower Lane, Dayton, OR, United StatesThe Cottage at Cardiff Farms was established by Kathy Cardiff in 2010 as a way to showcase her original textile designs. All of our patterns and books are written with […]
September Program: Vicki Conley
Willamette Valley Quilters are excited to welcome Vicki Conley from New Mexico to our September meeting. Her programwill be “Inspired by the Parks.” Vicki will share her inspiring journey through […]
October Program: Helen Fedchak, Oregon Historical Society
Dayton First Baptist Church 300 Flower Lane, Dayton, OR, United StatesWillamette Valley Quilters welcome Helen Fedchak as our guest speaker. Helen is the Museum Collection Manager for the Oregon Historical Society in Portland.
WVQ Marketplace
Dayton First Baptist Church 300 Flower Lane, Dayton, OR, United StatesReady to shop, find some great quilting bargains, and share fellowship with other quilters? Our Marketplace sale will be held after the October monthly meeting. A light lunch will be […]
November Program: Karla Alexander
Dayton First Baptist Church 300 Flower Lane, Dayton, OR, United StatesWe are excited to “welcome back” Karla Alexander, quilt designer and author, as our presenter for our November 20th meeting.
January Program – Tips, Tricks & Techniques
Dayton First Baptist Church 300 Flower Lane, Dayton, OR, United StatesTips, Tricks, & TechniquesSome of our members will be sharing with you some things that they have learned and used through the years. A great time to walk away with some […]